Drop Under The Chop
I have a feeling that my boat has struck, down there in the depths, against a great thing. And nothing happens? Nothing…Silence…Waves… – Nothing happens? Or has everything happened, and we are standing now, quietly in the new life.
J.R. Jimenez
On the way from one place to another, you sometimes lose your bearings or reference points. Your system might look for old familiar handholds. Just notice that from a place of resources… Find a place to rest… Notice the space around you–under, over, behind, in front of…Soften your vision… Go wider… Settle deeper…
Over time you build more resources, and you develop the practice of asking “what else is there?” when you hit the challenging places. What helps you to find that larger vision? To tap into that witness self?
One of my favorite teachers for hard times is Pema Chodron, with her focus on unconditional friendliness to self. Her books, videos, and audio talks are widely available. I especially like her tiny book, Practicing Peace, and teachings on Shenpa, or learning not to bite the hook in front of you.